In amazfish, I animate in a rectangle.  Its all wrapped up in a function which 
hides at using a timer.  It all exists in the main application qml file with a 
z value to ensure its above all pages.  Unfortunatley, i dont think there is a 
standardised way of doing this.


On Monday, 2 March 2020, Tamas Miklos wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to show a quick notification to the user of my SFOS app after 
> selecting a certain PullDownMenu item.  The notification doesn't need to be 
> modal or have any buttons or require any user interaction.  Much like how the 
> Toast notification works in Android apps.  The closest I got to something 
> like that is showing a DockedPanel and then hiding it after 2 seconds.  But, 
> it would be great to achieve that without DockedPanel.
> Thanks,
> Tamas
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