thank you for answering. I see both available in the SDK (I still have
but I can not find source for libbluez-qt5 on mer. I find a note in
Changelog for SFOS 2.2.1
Can someone point to the repo used?
When I clone the source bluez-qt5 from KDE, I see that the the version is
more mature than what is being used in kf5bluezqt-bluez5-5.24.0, but it
also states dependency on Qt-5.10.
This could be a reasonable first step - to find out whether the latest
stuff really depends on Qt 5.10 or somebody was like "oh, I've just
switched to Qt 5.10, let's bump the dependency". I find it hard to
imagine that anything Qt 5.10 specific would be actually required by a
simple D-Bus wrapper.
Can you please comment on when new Qt version is expected? On the road map
it says 5.9 will expire LST next year and we are stuck at 5.6. I know there
was discussion in the past, but can't recall the details.
I don't know much about that either, just that it's a licensing/legal
issue. It's not technical.
Thank you in advance again
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