Hi! Trying to install zypper on Xperia gives me an error =(
[root@Sailfish nemo]# pkcon install zypper Resolving Testing changes Finished [ ] (0%) The following packages have to be installed: augeas-libs-1.6.0-1.2.2.armv7hl Libraries for augeas zypper-1.8.3-1.1.40.armv7hl Command line software manager using libzypp Proceed with changes? [N/y] y Installing Starting Querying Resolving dependencies Downloading packages Finished Fatal error: File './core/armv7hl/augeas-libs-1.6.0-1.2.2.armv7hl.rpm' not found on medium 'https://releases.jolla.com/releases/ ' Any thoughts? Kind regards, Alex
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