Hey Rinigus,

I've been out of the Jolla ecosystem for a while (since my phone was lost a
couple of years ago), so can't say anything much about the Jolla keyboard;
but I was the lead developer on the Ubuntu Keyboard at Canonical so am
happy to answer any specific questions you have about that.


On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 7:14 PM, rinigus <rinigus....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a question regarding the longer term plans for keyboard development
> in SFOS. Namely, @martonmiklos has brought over Presage predictor to SFOS
> and already published keyboard using this library. I think its a great
> development and together with @ljo we have been helping @martonmiklos to
> make this plugin better. Please note that below, I speak for myself and I
> haven't checked whether these questions even make sense with others.
> At present, the released plugin has been enhanced by making it fast
> through using different language model storage/query mechanism, using
> relatively small size of n-gram database (English 5MB, Estonian 10MB), made
> asynchronous to ensure that the user's input is not lagging behind, and
> just extended with Hunspell speller as an additional "predictor". All is in
> the testing / bugfixing stage. In longer term, with the right effort, we
> could get very well working open-source predictive engine and keyboard.
> I am trying to understand how the pieces fall together and I am not sure
> 100% whether I do. I can see that SFOS uses proprietary jolla-keyboard and
> the developed Presage input handler extends it. Which is fine, but maybe we
> could go deeper and do better.
> From looking around, Maliit has adopted keyboard developed by Ubuntu
> Touch as a reference, corresponding Maliit repo https://github.com/
> maliit/keyboard . In addition to UBPorts, the same keyboard is used by
> LuneOS. This design already supports Presage and Hunspell, also done in
> asynchronous manner as we are testing for SFOS now. It has support for
> quite a few number of languages, pinyin, and emoji. I do not know how this
> design compares to the internals of jolla-keyboard and maybe someone can
> share their knowledge regarding it. I would expect that it was developed on
> the top of Maliit available at the time of J1 and kept as it is after that.
> Now, I do wonder what is the long term plan with the keyboard development?
> From the outside of Jolla, it seems to me that it would be wise to join
> forces with the others and develop this component together. Each OS in
> question has their own styling, but that seems to be possible to apply on
> top.
> Its not trivial to compile the latest Maliit on SFOS (they switched to
> CMake based builds and few cmake configs are missing in SFOS right now),
> but I expect that its possible with some effort. Just don't want to spend
> too much time if it's gonna be without any use.
> So, to summarize, I would like to hear what's an opinion on the raised
> issues by those who know. Would be great to know plans and comparison of
> jolla-keyboard with the current Maliit UBPorts/LuneOS versions.
> Best wishes,
> Rinigus
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