Hello list, I wanted to work on SailfishOS applications, so I installed the "SailfishOS Application SDK" on my linux desktop. Everything went fine, but when I wanted to start "Sailfish OS Build Engine" or "Sailfish OS Emulator" from within Qt Creator, the "General Messages"-Tab of Qt Creator tells me:
* Error connecting to "Sailfish OS Build Engine" virtual machine: Failed to start virtual machine "Sailfish OS Build Engine" * Error connecting to "Sailfish OS Emulator" virtual machine: Failed to start virtual machine "Sailfish OS Emulator" In file "~/.xsession-errors" I can read: * MerConnection: "Failed to start virtual machine \"Sailfish OS Build Engine\"" * MerConnection: "Failed to start virtual machine \"Sailfish OS Emulator\"" But nothing more about the Application SDK. The virtual machines seem to start up: VirtualBox is telling me that they are running. The emulator is showing me a SailfishOS GUI, which I can use by swiping like my Jolla device. And to the Build Engine I can connect via ssh using: > ssh -i /opt/sailfishos-sdk/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/engine/root -p 2222 > root@localhost Do you have any ideas, what might be the problem? Or which log-files to check? Versions in use: * SDK: SailfishOSSDK-Beta-1709-Qt5-linux-64-offline.run * Debian Linux 8 Jessie * VirtualBox 4.3.36 Regards, Peter _______________________________________________ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org