@my-jolla I completely agree with you (well, except from the sh**thole
part). I wonder what action can be taken to at least get some statement
from the Jolla sailors. As TJC and this mailing list are obviously
ignored, what other means do we have? Maybe we should:

* Place the topic regularly at the collaboration meetings.
* Send an open letter (devs --> Jolla CEO) – maybe as snailmail.
* Start a petition for paid app support.

As for the apps which are rotting on your harddisk: Have you considered
"selling" the apps as a package via crowdfunding? At least you would
gain some revenue (compared to nothing when leaving the potentially
sinking ship). The community would benefit from fresh apps which maybe
cannot patch the sh*thole but reduce the sinking speed...

On 27.03.2017 09:47, no-re...@jolla.com wrote:
> my-jolla <https://together.jolla.com/users/588/my-jolla/> posted a
> comment
> <https://together.jolla.com/question/6522/harbourstore-support-for-paid-applications/?comment=159265#comment-159265>
> Commented by my-jolla:
> @bocephus <https://together.jolla.com/users/4841/bocephus/> What "many
> years"? I participated in this discussion twice in 2015, and now came
> back here after two years. So what sense does it make to exaggerate so
> IDIOTICALLY? But you're right - this dreadful company (and its customers
> like you) definitely aren't worth the time spent here. You've just
> gotten rid of yet another developer who wanted to develop for this
> platform. A few more to go and you can close this sh*thole for good,
> mission accomplished.
> In reply to my-jolla's answer:
> So..... FOUR freaking years since the launch of Sailfish OS, and TWO
> freaking years after they ensured that "support for paid apps is top
> priority for them", not only there's still absolutely NOTHING in this
> regard, but no one from Jolla has even just mentioned a word about it
> since early 2015 or so. This thread (for years being the top 6th when it
> comes to the number of votes, out of 16,700 topics on this site) has
> always been completely ignored by them, too.
> As a result, Salfish OS remains the ONLY mobile platform on Earth that
> does not support paid apps and therefore does not offer ANY incentives
> for developers to come and make apps for this OS, so they just don't.
> Which in turn causes that during FOUR years since 2013 this platform got
> several times less of native apps than what even the ultra-niche Nokia
> N9 or N900 got in less than 2 years. Read: the least of ALL mobile
> platforms ever created, including even GEOS of the first Nokia
> Communicators in t he '90s. A few hundred native apps in 4 years is a
> DISASTER, and it won't ever change unless developers are allowed to
> monetize their apps on this platform.
> This situation is totally incomprehensible for every sane person. What
> is Jolla's plan? To fully rely on the outdated (and in fact approaching
> its EOL) Android 4.x runtime forever? Will they ever be able to update
> it to at least Android 5 and Google Services (that almost all new
> Android apps now require)? DOUBTFUL, because Google does not permit it
> to be used by non-OHA members and on devices where Android isn't the
> host OS. Even BlackBerry wasn't permitted to upgrade their Alien Dalivk
> Android runtime beyond Android 4.x on their BB10 phones (which
> eventually killed that OS). So what will Jolla do in a year or two when
> their Android 4.x runtime becomes as obsolete as what Android 2.x is
> now, and with no native apps whatsoever? This is the LAST MOMENT to
> finally start building a strong native ecosystem.
> Moreover, due to BB10 demise, it is the last time to try to attract some
> BB10 developers who are RIGHT NOW forced to look for new platforms to
> develop for. BB10 is a Qt-based platform like SFOS, so porting apps is
> easy and quick and not much learning is required for a BB10 developer to
> get familiar with SFOS. So even if SFOS (due to its size) couldn't offer
> MUCH revenue for a BB10 developer, that quickness and easiness of
> porting apps would surely convince many BB10 developers to quickly port
> their apps to SFOS and earn a few bucks. But if this platform continues
> not to offer ANY monetizing possibilities, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE will
> bother. By 2018 all BB10 developers will move to either Android or iOS,
> and once they make the effort to learn their APIs and establish position
> on those tough markets, none of them will ever bother to even think
> about going back to as tiny platform as Jolla.
> It's been now FOUR years since I could not stop wondering how such an
> easy thing as adding payment su pport to the existing app store has been
> completely ignored by Jolla. There are countless companies which fully
> handle the whole online payment process in exchange for a small
> commission (like 1% or so). As app stores usually take 30%, it would
> still leave 29% for Jolla, for doing nothing. Even the app testing / QA
> process would not differ from the one they already do with free apps,
> either.
> Wake up Jolla. Now that BB10 is dying and all BB10 developers are NOW
> looking for alternatives, it's your LAST chance to be able to attract a
> large group of existing Qt developers who don't need to learn how to
> code for a Qt platform and have thousands of apps which could be quickly
> and easily ported. Ignore it, let them switch to Android or iOS
> development, and you won't have such possibility EVER AGAIN, because it
> is the last commercially active Qt-based mobile platform and the last
> group of Qt developers to reach out for.
> And this is also the last time I am asking you. Four yea rs of waiting
> and so many requests without anyone even bothering to answer is ENOUGH.
> I've got some 20 high quality apps for BB10, all of them rated 5/5 and
> very popular. Let me port them to SFOS /now/, or be well.
> In reply to Jukka's question: Harbour/Store: support for paid applications
> Tags: feature-request, jolla-store, harbour, payware.
> Paid apps support in the Sailfish.
> commented below:
> Hi there, we are actively working on something but we don't have
> anything to announce at this point. I know this is not what you want to
> hear exactly, but that's the best "some words" I can offer right now...
> cybette (Apr 9 '15)edit
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> about it the forum administrator at together.feedb...@jollamobile.com
> <mailto:together.feedb...@jollamobile.com>.
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