Hi all!

Following last week's [mistakenly] postponed meeting, we are going to hold the meeting this week as promised.
This is a quick reminder for those who might have forgotten about it.

This week, we will have our first meeting after MWC 2017 and it is going to be a rather a long meeting with two 60 minute topics.

Below you can see how the agenda looks like:

Date: 22/03/2017
Time: 09:00 UTC, Please check this link for your local time: http://bit.ly/2mruSt6
Duration: 170 - 180 minutes (It may vary)
Chair: Jaymzz
Location: #mer-meeting on Freenode IRC

Proposed topics:

-    Intro (5 min)
-    MWC announcements Q&A (60 min)
-    Clarification and cleaning up of the Wiki (20 min)
-    Nemo Mobile as community distribution for Sailfish OS (60 min)
-    Update PyOtherSide on Sailfish OS (10 min)
-    General discussion (15 min)
-    Next meeting time and date (5 min)

Please familiarize yourself with the topics before the meeting, as well
as the common Meetbot commands https://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot (it's
used for meeting management and logging)

Let's not add more topics to the planning page as we already have a long
meeting and rather leave the newer topics for the future meetings. Nonetheless,
here is the page you can use to add your topics, as always:

Thanks and best regards,
James Noori
Community Manager

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