Hello Jarkko,

Very Cool!
Thanks a lot for all your effort! 

On Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2017 13:08:30 CET Jarkko Lehtoranta wrote:
>    * Qt 5.6 module imports allowed

When I try out the new SDK with my app, I still get: 

> Requires
> ========
> ERROR [libQt5Location.so.5] Cannot require shared library:
> 'libQt5Location.so.5' ERROR [qt5-plugin-geoservices-osm] Dependency not
> allowed
> ERROR [qt5-qtdeclarative-import-location] Dependency not allowed
> ERROR [qt5-qtlocation] Dependency not allowed
> INFO [harbour-berlin-vegan] Please see our FAQ here:
> https://harbour.jolla.com/faq#2.6.0 how to use '__provides_exclude_from'
> and '__requires_exclude' .spec file to avoid that FAILED

Neither can I find 5.6 versioned QtLocation packages on the device
(via pkcon search) with the new Sailfish OS release.

I assume that means that QtLocation (5.6) will still not be part of

Can we expect this for any future release soon?
Would be very cool to have it :).

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