
Qt5.2 itself provided the "QtLocation" as you see.
But, unfortunately, QtLocation is not allowed to use for 3rd party apps
officially, right now.

Please see "Sailfish FAQ"
And the list of modules which can be used by 3rd party apps.

The number of listed modules is increasing time by time.
I think we have no choice but to wait for that the QtLocation add to the
list if you want to release your app officially (by Jolla Store).
Or, I think that you can try to release your app by other way like
OpenRepos ( https://openrepos.net/ ).

Best regards,

2017年1月2日(月) 3:32 micu <micuin...@gmx.de>:

> Hello Sailors!
> As I already told you, I am working on the Berlin Vegan guide for
> SailfishOS:
>     <https://github.com/micuintus/harbour-Berlin-Vegan/tree/development>
>     <https://openrepos.net/content/micuintus/berlin-vegan>
> Recently, I added a map feature to the app:
>     <https://github.com/micuintus/harbour-Berlin-Vegan/issues/41>
> But to my astonishment, I realized that using QtLocation is currently
> rejected
> by the Harbour RPM validator:
> > Requires
> > ========
> > ERROR [libQt5Location.so.5] Cannot require shared library:
> > 'libQt5Location.so.5' ERROR [qt5-plugin-geoservices-osm] Dependency not
> > allowed
> > ERROR [qt5-qtdeclarative-import-location] Dependency not allowed
> > ERROR [qt5-qtlocation] Dependency not allowed
> Can you tell me why?
> QtLocation is listed to be available here
>     <https://sailfishos.org/wiki/Qt>
> and, apart from that, AFAIK Jolla was one of the main contributors to the
> QtLocation module.
> Furthermore, I noticed that some features of the QML Map object seem to be
> broken or missing at the moment:
>     * fitViewportToMapItems() does not have an effect
>     * 'preventStealing' is not available
>     * etc.
> Will these features be available and work once Qt is updated to 5.6?
> Will QtLocation be allowed for harbour store apps
> once Qt 5.6 is (officially) available for Sailfish?
> And when can I expect Qt 5.6 to be released for SailfishOS? ;)
> Cheers,
> micu
> PS: Happy new year to everyone!
> --
> OpenPGP / GnuPG:        0xE4CB4E80
> Fingerprint:            1A15 A480 1F8B 07F6 9D12 3426 CEFE 7455 E4CB 4E80
> <<</>>
> http://www.micuintus.de
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