Hello, check here: https://github.com/CODeRUS/better-sailfishos-qmltypes/tree/Sdk1611/com/jolla/email

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От: "Dylan Van Assche via Devel" <devel@lists.sailfishos.org>
Кому: "Sailfish OS Developers mailing list" <devel@lists.sailfishos.org>
Отправлено: 31.12.2016 15:34:13
Тема: [SailfishDevel] com.jolla.email 1.1

Hi Dev's,

I want to build an app using the buildin email composer from Sailfish.Email. However, I want to hide several parts from it... Sailfish.Email uses a QML Loader to load the UI from com.jolla.email 1.1 I can add the property 'visible' to the loader but then it hides the complete item.

If I can take a look at the QML source code of this component maybe I can figure out which property I need to send extra to only hide some parts from it.

Kinds regards,
Dylan Van Assche

BTW: Happy new year!

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