Hi,are you using Broadcom wifi? It is known, that Broadcom wifi driver 
completely renders the Sailfish SDK unusable. (Random freezes, only hard reset 
helps.) If you have Broadcom wifi, try completely disabling the driver (in Mint 
at Driver Manager => do not use device). I also have this fun choice: either 
wifi or developing to Sailfish.BR,Zalán
 -- There is no cloud, just other people’s computers! --

    On Monday, December 12, 2016 12:58 AM, jerome levreau 
<levreau.jer...@vostoksystem.eu> wrote:

can you add more info because I'm on mint too and have zero problem from 
virtualbox or qtcreator (only getting soft and lib from repo). Suspend to ram 
and running for week or month without reboot. 

2016-12-10 12:36 GMT+01:00 joao morgado <joaodeusmorg...@yahoo.com>:

I use the proprietary one from Nvidia. I'll try the mesa driver to see how it 

    Em Sábado, 10 de Dezembro de 2016 9:19, Dylan Van Assche 
<dylan.van.assche@protonmail. com> escreveu:


I run the SDK on OpenSUSE & Ubuntu without these issues. On Ubuntu Virtualbox 
crashes sometimes but without any interruption of the SDK.
Do you run the opensource graphic drivers or the one from Nvidia/ATI/Intel? 
Maybe VB has some issues with the opensource variant (just an idea).


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [SailfishDevel] Sailfish sdk very unstable in linux
Local Time: 10 December 2016 2:35 AM
UTC Time: 10 December 2016 01:35
From: joaodeusmorg...@yahoo.com
To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org <devel@lists.sailfishos.org>


I use a linux mint machine for sailfish development.
I can sucessfully run apps and deploy them to a intex device, however more or 
less in a average of 1 out of 3, the computer freezes when compiling, even the 
mouse doenst respond, and I have to power off.

>From the commom pre requisits docs: "Oracle VirtualBox version 4.1.18 or 
>higher pre-installed on the host machine. Please note that there still may be 
>some compatibility issues with VirtualBox 5. "

I'm using virtual box 5.x from the repos, this is the only thing that comes to 
my mind that maybe causing this, but installing a older 4.x version doenst seem 
to be a easy option because of conflicts and broken packages.

I have qtsdk installed in this OS, in another user and it works great.

Any hints ?

Have a nice weekend

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