i am using WTFPL for my projects.

29.11.2016 14:26, rinigus пишет:

thank you! Would you mind to specify a license on https://github.com/CODeRUS/splashscreen-changer ? At present, there is no license specified, unfortunately.



On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Андрей Кожевников <coderusin...@gmail.com <mailto:coderusin...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hello, for now you can compile and bundle nemo-filemanager plugin:
    I hope later it will be added to allowed imports.
    You can use
    as sample of usage.

    29 нояб. 2016 г. 12:48 пользователь "rinigus"
    <rinigus....@gmail.com <mailto:rinigus....@gmail.com>> написал:


        I am looking for a File Selection dialog that would be

        * Able to select a directory or a file (specified on call)
        * Jolla-store compatible
        * LGPL compatible

        Maybe someone has recommendations for it? It seems to be a
        frequent request
        but I have not seen yet the one that would comply with the
        requirements (either license is not clear or Qt.labs are
        used). I probably just missed a decent picker...



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