I mean jolla-gallery. You can get qml files from device in /usr/share/jolla-gallery and /usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Gallery folders

22.11.2016 17:04, Marcin Mielniczuk пишет:
You mean jolla-gallery or the Components gallery?

this is what pkcon search name gallery returned.


On 21.11.2016 18:52, Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:
Check how sailfish-gallery works. It have additional propery in
delegates altering y-position for elements on next linex after
activated one.

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От: "Marcin Mielniczuk" <marmistrz...@gmail.com>
Кому: "Sailfish OS Developers" <devel@lists.sailfishos.org>
Отправлено: 21.11.2016 20:49:46
Тема: [SailfishDevel] Context menu of a grid view


In my app I show the user a grid view. It's elements should be
interactive and its state can be modified.

I'd like to use a context menu for this. My current approach is

             SilicaGridView {
                 id: diceView

                 Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
                 Layout.fillHeight: true

                 model: myModel

                 cellWidth: width / gridDimension
                 cellHeight: height / gridDimension

                 delegate: BackgroundItem {

                     id: bgItem
                     width: diceView.cellWidth
                     height: diceView.cellHeight

                     /* contents */

                     ContextMenu {
                         id: contextMenu
                         parent: bgItem
                         anchors {
                             left: bgItem.left
                             right: bgItem.right
                             bottom: bgItem.bottom

                         RemorseItem {
                             id: remorse
                             wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
                             horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

                         MenuItem {
                             text: qsTr("foo")

                         MenuItem {
                             text: qsTr("bar")

                     onPressAndHold: contextMenu.show(this)

The problem is that with two elements, the context menu that overlaps
the delegate content, which makes the MenuItems illegible.

What is the recommended UX solution for this? Seems that ContextMenu
works out-of-the-box for SilicaListViews but not for SilicaGridViews.


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