you storing pointer to model, not model contents :)
to store model data you should recursively convert model data to array, and vise versa.

------ Исходное сообщение ------
От: "Marcin Mielniczuk" <>
Кому: "Sailfish OS Developers" <>
Отправлено: 01.11.2016 22:32:57
Тема: [SailfishDevel] Persistently storing a ListModel


I'm currently using org.nemomobile.configuration to store the
application settings. Now it came out it'd be beneficial to store a
ListModel between runs (if a user wants it).

I tried the naive approach:

    property ListModel myModel: modelStorage.value

    ConfigurationValue {
        id: modelStorage
        key: Constants.modelStorageKey
        defaultValue: ListModel {}

But no dconf key seems to be generated after I populate the model.

What is my best bet in this case? Is this the expected behavior or have
I done something wrong on my side?


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