you should use master password for saving credentials, or ask every time to enter password and save only login.

------ Исходное сообщение ------
От: "J. Pablo" <>
Кому: "Sailfish OS Developers mailing list (" <>
Отправлено: 15.09.2016 16:44:22
Тема: [SailfishDevel] Storing credentials safely in a python+QML app

Hello sailors!

This is my first email in the list, although I've been reading for a while.

I'm designing a simple app that show the user some info about its contract with its mobile carrier (pepephone, from Spain).

Their API is pretty simple and you have to login each time with user and password and then the servers returns a sessionID.

I'd like to keep username and password safely in the phone. Now, I'm aware that obfuscation is not an option, and any other safe method that come to my mind needs a master password. I've asked to other dev and he use a salt and the IMEI to encrypt it, but you only have to get other app into the phone and knowing the algorithm (easly checking the code on github) you can get the password.

I wonder if SFOS has some kind of keyring like kde or gnome, or if there is no other way than the described above. Any suggestion is appreciated :)

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