I'm curious, what brings you to the conclusion SQL (as in relational dbs)
is not ideal for transactional functionality?

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 10:41 AM, Peter Kovacs <> wrote:

> I would actually like to know why SQL stuff.
> Datastructure types I am think of on the Phone are relationships (Facebook
> style) or transactional.
> And both are not ideal to solve with relational dbs.
> I guess the Answer is because every one does it. But that is not really
> satisfactory.  Would there be an interest to use something else?
> Tone Kastlunger <> schrieb am Do., 2. Juni 2016,
> 09:33:
>> Hi Chris;
>> >2) API to access Calendar data.  Correct, currently we don't provide
>> access to calendar API in Harbour.  The reason is that we want to use
>> QtOrganizer as the public API, but to do that we need to write a
>> QtOrganizer engine backend >for mkcal (note that one already existed in
>> QtMobility days, which is open source, so we can potentially adapt that one
>> with relatively little effort.  Help with that effort would be greatly
>> appreciated).  Eventually, I'd like to develop a >QtOrganizer backend
>> directly in sqlite, for performance and maintainability reasons (mkcal has
>> several design and implementation problems, in my opinion), at which point
>> QtOrganizer can become the platform API (not just the 3rd >party API).
>> I guess the worload to push it all the way to QtOrganizer requires
>> scratching the existing backend / rewriting a big part of the cal app?
>> On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 5:06 AM, Chris Adams <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I will try to be at the meeting tonight, but I cannot promise (it's held
>>> at 11:30 pm in my timezone).
>>> A couple of the questions relate to areas I am involved with, so I'll
>>> try to provide some information in case I don't make it to the meeting.  If
>>> you have any follow up questions or discussion, feel free to contact me
>>> directly via email or on Freenode IRC (chriadam is my nick).
>>> 1) Contact Note details.  This is tracked internally by JB#14734.  As
>>> you mentioned, it's supported in the backend, but not in the People app
>>> UI.  It was on going to be part of the apps overhaul which was planned
>>> prior to the financial difficulties last year, and since then this has
>>> fallen off the radar.  It requires design input, because you can have
>>> multiple Note details in a single contact.  I've just pinged our lead
>>> designer in the bug report again, in case he can fit it in sometime soon.
>>> 2) API to access Calendar data.  Correct, currently we don't provide
>>> access to calendar API in Harbour.  The reason is that we want to use
>>> QtOrganizer as the public API, but to do that we need to write a
>>> QtOrganizer engine backend for mkcal (note that one already existed in
>>> QtMobility days, which is open source, so we can potentially adapt that one
>>> with relatively little effort.  Help with that effort would be greatly
>>> appreciated).  Eventually, I'd like to develop a QtOrganizer backend
>>> directly in sqlite, for performance and maintainability reasons (mkcal has
>>> several design and implementation problems, in my opinion), at which point
>>> QtOrganizer can become the platform API (not just the 3rd party API).
>>> 3) Email app development.  Yes, you're absolutely right that the Email
>>> application hasn't received much development effort since Valerio
>>> unfortunately left.  Yes, I would personally like to see it (along with
>>> other apps like Clock, Notes, and Calendar) opensourced.  No, I don't know
>>> what the status of the opensourcing discussions with the Board Of Directors
>>> is, so I cannot give a roadmap for that possibility.  However, the "engine"
>>> of the email application is already open source (except for the
>>> Exchange/ActiveSync plugin) - we use QMF (Qt Messaging Framework) for email
>>> handling.  See and
>>> etc for that
>>> stuff.  Speak to Matt Vogt (mvogt on Freenode IRC) for code reviews etc.
>>> In general, the Sailfish OS wiki has been updated with a lot of
>>> information about the various software components which make up the
>>> Sailfish OS stack (including links to the open-source repositories), so you
>>> should be able to find most of the information you need to help develop
>>> these components, from reading
>>> and the drill-down
>>> links from that page.
>>> Finally, I don't know much about Bluetooth, but I know that we're
>>> looking at updating to Bluez 5 right now (development is currently ongoing
>>> to port the Qt stack across, possibly by using the KDE bluez-qt wrappers),
>>> so it's possible that the tethering issue will be addressed as part of
>>> that, with the new stack - but again, that's not my area so I might be
>>> incorrect.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Chris.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* [
>>>] on behalf of James Noori [
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 01, 2016 11:15 PM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* [SailfishDevel] Sailfish OS Open Source Community
>>> Collaboration Meeting 2nd of June 2016
>>> Hi everyone!
>>> Following up last week’s postponed Community collaboration meeting on
>>> IRC, this week’s meeting is going to be held at the agreed time and date,
>>> 2/6/2016 at 13:30 UTC.
>>> Please see this link for your local time (Redirects to
>>> :
>>> <http://redir.aspx?REF=g5j-y9bnU2VIldZnOnr8CS7-bSPOGw-1AMJwEvMljvQjLMD_gYrTCAFodHRwOi8vYml0Lmx5LzI0N1B3d1Q.>
>>> Location: #mer-meeting on Freenode IRC
>>> Chairperson: Jaymzz
>>> Duration: Approximately 100 minutes.
>>> Thanks to everyone who has responded and added topics on TJC:
>>> <http://redir.aspx?REF=OlRBTW_rwoaCk_9FOorV7mZrXabeWUP7jnZySM69E7wjLMD_gYrTCAFodHRwczovL3RvZ2V0aGVyLmpvbGxhLmNvbS9xdWVzdGlvbi81NDE1Ny9zYWlsZmlzaG9zLW9wZW4tc291cmNlLWNvbGxhYm9yYXRpb24tbWVldGluZy1wbGFubmluZy8.>
>>> Proposed topics:
>>> -          Intro (5min)
>>> -          Bluetooth tethering - status of the fix (20min)
>>> -         2016 roadmap (15min)
>>> -          Show notes of contact (opensource contact app?) (15 min)
>>> -          API to access calendar (15 min)
>>> -          Email app development (15 min)
>>> -     Requesting things to be added to mer-tools repo (5 min)
>>> -     General Discussion (5-10 min)
>>> Please familiarize yourself with the topics before the meeting, as well
>>> as the common Meetbot commands
>>> <http://redir.aspx?REF=9bflfCySOf4l8VxPhhLe4rl_8CX0V51Eghusn5jTRNIjLMD_gYrTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kuZGViaWFuLm9yZy9NZWV0Qm90>
>>>  (it's
>>> used for meeting management and logging)
>>> Best regards,
>>> James Noori, Community Manager at Jolla
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