Hi Sailors,

I'm working on this app


and would need some help please.

1.) Could a tablet owner please send the output of

$ ls /sys/class/power_supply/


$ ls /sys/class/power_supply/*/online


2.) I'm using QSyncThingTray for the c++ API Implementation and there are two lines which produce an error on compilation, so i commented them out. I guess this is, because the code was written for Qt5.5 and we are using 5.2


The error is about that it->toObject(); doesnt exist. How can I workaround this? The code is about counting the number of active connections.

3.) If I want to publish a version for the tablet, do I just have to upload a i486 rpm, which works in the emulator?

4.) How can I make an if-statement in a .pro-file, which recognizes the platform (arm vs. i486). (Like this:

win32 {
        VAR = VALUEw
unix {
        VAR = VALUEx

Thanks, Michael.
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