First of all column should NOT have own height. It calculated
automatically based on it's childrens heights.
Second is you should use Flickable outside Column to automatically
position items on actions.
24.02.2016 15:44, mariusz sapinski пишет:
I have two ComboBoxes in one Column. Code looks a bit like that:
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
Dialog {
id: setupDialog;
allowedOrientations: Orientation.Portrait;
property bool tmpUseMinute: useMinute;
property bool tmpUseKwadrans: useKwadrans;
property bool tmpUsePol: usePol;
property bool tmpUseCala: useCala;
Column {
id: column;
height: parent.height; // - (Theme.paddingMedium);
anchors.leftMargin: Theme.paddingLarge;
anchors.rightMargin: Theme.paddingLarge;
width: setupDialog.width;
spacing: Theme.paddingLarge;
PageHeader {
title: qsTr("Settings")
ComboBox {
currentIndex: 1
id: combo1
label: "interval"
width: setupDialog.width
menu: ContextMenu {
MenuItem {
text: "1 minute (for test)"
onClicked: {
useMinute = true;
useKwadrans = false;
usePol = false;
useCala = false;
MenuItem {
text: "15 minutes"
onClicked: {
useKwadrans = true;
usePol = false;
useCala = false;
} // end of first combo box: interval
ComboBox {
currentIndex: 3
id: combo2
label: "duration"
width: setupDialog.width
menu: ContextMenu {
MenuItem {
text: "20 minutes"
onClicked: {
useTwenty = true;
useThirty = false;
useFortyFive = false;
MenuItem {
text: "30 minutes"
onClicked: {
useThirty = true;
useFortyFive = false;
} // endof ContextMenu
} // end of second combo box: duration
} // end of Column
my unfortunately both boxes overlap on the screen. What am I missing?
I thought Column should take care that the elements inside are
correctly positioned.
Cheers, Mariusz
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