what about ssu re mersdk and targets and zypper up them? :)
------ Исходное сообщение ------
От: "Jussi Pakkanen" <jussi.pakka...@jolla.com>
Кому: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
Отправлено: 06.11.2015 16:19:11
Тема: Re: [SailfishDevel] Sailfish 2.0 libcommhistory
On 05.11.2015 09:37, Alexander Maliyev wrote:
though. After some digging I found out that there are different
versions of libcommhistory-qt5 installed phone has and sdk
1.8.6. Any suggestions on where to get newer library for sdk?
This will be part of the next SDK release. Unfortunately we don't yet
have a firm release date (we are still working through some kinks) but
we hope to have it released soon.
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