Hi, I've stumbled upon something very annoying :
I have a model that inherits from QSqlTableModel. A SilicaListView shows the data. This is very easy to do, thanks to Qt/QML :) Each list item has a ContextMenu with a "Delete" entry that allows the user to delete the item. It runs a remorse, and, at the end of the remorse, the item is deleted from the model (and the database). Again, this works quite well... until you try to delete several items at the same time A QSqlTableModel can have 3 different edit strategies : OnManualSubmit, OnRowChange or OnFieldChange. If I set it to "OnManualSubmit", the item is deleted from the model, but it remains in the view and in the database until I call QSqlTableModel::submitAll(). This method actually commits the changes to the database, and resets the model by calling QSqlTableModel::select(). Since the model is resetted, it loses all other running remorses and causes a segfault. If I set it to "OnFieldChanged", the item is deleted from the model and from the database, but it will still remain visible in the view. According to the Qt doc, I should call select() to update the view. But, as we've seen before, this destroys the other running remorses and also causes a segfault. I've made a very small app to demonstrate the problem, you can get it here and try it in your emulator : git clone https://github.com/Frzk/dummy.git You can use the PullDownMenu to switch between OnManualSubmit and OnFieldChanged strategies. How should I deal with this ? This is a very simple case, yet I can't seem to find a solution :( All the best, -- François _______________________________________________ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org