icon128.files = icon128/appname.png
icon128.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps
INSTALLS += icon128
and add /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps to files section in
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От: "Luca Donaggio" <donag...@gmail.com>
Кому: "Sailfish OS Developers" <devel@lists.sailfishos.org>
Отправлено: 20.10.2015 14:53:55
Тема: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS SDK 1510 and launcher icon for tablet
Launcher icon for the tablet version of any app should by 128x128 px
and have to be deployed in
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/appname.png, but sailfishapp.prf
and the auto-generated appname.yaml seems to take care only of launcher
icon for the phone version (86x86 px).
Which is the best way to include a 128x128 px launcher icon in my
Are there any plans to automate this process in a future SDK release?
Luca Donaggio
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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