
On 09.10.2015 13:22, Martin Kampas wrote:
Hello again,

SDK IDE (Qt Creator):
- Updated icon reference documentation

that current rpmvalidator (1.30.1) in this release, complains about icons other than 86x86. This will be fixed in next release (2.0.0.x, rpmvalidator version >= 1.37).

Harbour testers currently don't reject rpms which contain icons of the following size, even if rpmvalidator complains:
86x86 108x108 128x128 256x256

- Added Configuration (DConf) API documentation

"org.nemomobile.configuration 1.0" qml import is not yet allowed in Harbour. This will be allowed from next release onward (2.0.0.x).

If I say "next release", it means this is current plan :) if nothing goes wrong it will be like that. But there is always a small risk something does not go as planned... So it might be in a later one...


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