
After a long break (and my delayed summer vacation), we're glad to re-start the Sailfish OS collaboration meetings! Thanks to everyone who responded on https://together.jolla.com/question/54157/sailfishos-open-source-collaboration-meeting-planning/

There are several good topics, and I want to give some time for people to go through them and prepare for the discussions. So instead of having it this week (which will be tomorrow, quite short notice), let's schedule it for next Thursday 8/10, and allocate 2 hours instead of the usual 90 minutes as it's been a while since the last meeting.

Here's the invitation/agenda for next Thursday's meeting:

Date: 8 October 2015
Time: 14:30 UTC, for your local time: http://bit.ly/1FDBiOe
Duration: 2 hours
Chair: Carol Chen (cybette)
Location: #mer-meeting on Freenode IRC

Those without an IRC client can access it here:

Current proposed topics:
* Intro (10 min)
* How to ease 3rd party contribution to SailfishOS/Mer Middleware OSS components - locusf (30 min) * Situation update about the Mer Middleware merger from Nemo Middleware - locusf (20 min) * Request more information on Roadmap for open-sourcing more of Sailfish - bobsummerwill (20 min)
* upgrading xdg-utils in mer to master - tortoisedoc (15 min)
* General discussions - everyone (15 min)
* Wrap up and next meeting (10 min)

Please familiarize yourself with the topics before the meeting, as well as the common Meetbot commands https://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot (it's used for meeting management and logging)

Thanks and see you next week!


Carol "cybette" Chen
Community Chief @ Jolla http://jolla.com
 +358403502527  @ SMS,PSTN,WeChat
    cybette     @ FreenodeIRC,Twitter,Weibo,LinkedIn,Skype
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