On Friday 25 September 2015 14:21:36 jollail...@gmail.com wrote:
> I tried to import Insomniac to my Simple Stopwatch by copying the files from
> https://github.com/tanghus/kitchen-timer-qml/tree/master/insomniac to
> simplestopwatch/src/insomniac, replacing kitchentimer in the files with
> simplestopwatch and finally using 'Add Existing Files...' in the IDE (plus
> writing 'import harbour.simplestopwatch.insomniac 1.0' to the QML file). 
> Well, it doesn't work, building the project fails. How do I correctly
> import the plugin to my project? 

In harbour-simplestopwatch.pro remove or comment out the line "CONFIG += 

From the top of my head I can't see any other errors, other than that you 
don't need to also add folderlistmodel, display.h/cpp and qmlsettings.h/cpp 
unless you need need them. The Insomniac plugin doesn't need them.

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Thomas Tanghus

A: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q: Why is top posting bad?

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