You should always specify all extra you have in CONFIG and LINK_PKGCONFIG to BuildRequires and Requires in spec/yaml

------ Исходное сообщение ------
От: "Kaj-Michael Lang" <>
Отправлено: 25.09.2015 17:59:23
Тема: [SailfishDevel] Emulator and multimedia components

I'm trying to get a basic port available of my radio app for the tablet,
using the tablet emulation mode. The emulator image seems to default to
missing most of gstreamer and qt multimedia packages.

I've done all my previous testing/development on the phone and on there
I could assume that everything needed was installed. And I seem to
remember that I was not supposed to list any such rpm dependencies.

How is it now, do I now need to specify all specific dependencies or
not ?

Kaj-Michael Lang <>

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