Hi Juice,

As far as I understand, you have a control to install HTTPS certificates on the server where the requests are sent?

In this case, you have two options:

  1. Install a trusted SSL certificate on your server.

2. Generate your own self-signed certificate and mark it as trusted in your application.

For 1. you can get a free(!) domain validated certificate from StartSSL. It is trusted by most (if not all) modern browsers.

For 2. you need to export your self-signed certificate from the server (without the private key), ship it together wit your application and do the following on the application startup:

  QFile f;

  QSslCertificate cert(f.readAll());

  sslConfiguration = QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration();
  QList<QSslCertificate> cacerts = sslConfiguration.caCertificates();

Even 2. will be much safer than just ignoring all SSL errors.

On 18/08/15 07:05, juice wrote:
Thank you Jonni, Thomas & Graham for prompt and insightful answers.

I think I need to explain a bit more about my planned application, to
show what the security model is and why I would like to accept https
connection without checking for certificate validity.

I am writing a dog-tracing utility, which periodically queries a server
for whereabouts of the dog, receives geolocation coordinates and plots
the location to a map on the Jolla phone.

The dog wears a GPS collar that sends location updates to my server
which actually maintains a detailed trace but in this case we are only
interested of the last known position of the dog.

Reason why I want to use https on the transport layer instead of http
is because I do not like to advertise location data worldwide, it is
private and my own location can be determined from the location of my
dog and hence my mushroom hoarding places on the woods be compromised
to other people. (remember, people have been killed in Italy for example
trying to protect their favourite picking spots....)

So, the protocol is simple, the application sends query like;
GET https://toosa.swagman.org/wheres_my_dog/loc?password=ToPsEcReT
The response is xml/json/whatever, last known coordinates.

Of course the same can be applied to people trackiing, when I am on a
bicycle trip, and my GPS tracking is active, my wife can get me by;
GET https://toosa.swagman.org/wheres_juice_now/loc?password=ToPsEcReT

In this case it is also self-evident why I want the location data to
remain confidental. As the transport channel is secured, neither my
password nor the reply coordinates are exposed to outside parties.

Now, as this application is pretty much something I am just writing for
my own use I like to keep it pretty simple and avoid fancy certificate
accept/store/maintain schemes.

I doubt anyone else really needs this application so it need not be
overtly complicated.

I mean, how many users there are who have a Jolla and like to track
their dog by GPS collar? Not more than a handful I'd guess. :)

Of course if it was very simple to add certificate lifecycle maintanance
to the application then I could do that for completeness sake.

With best regards,
Oleksii Serdiuk

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