
Last year the Mono for Sailfish project was announced, development started
and then withered and silently died.   That was mainly due to reasons
related to my own personal situation (I lost a job and had to focus on
job-hunting, not Kitsilano Software, etc) rather than any lack of technical
merit of the project.

Anyway.  It is a new year, and circumstances have changed.   After several
months in the doldrums, the winds have changed in our favor again, sailors!

1. Microsoft have open sourced .NET in a major way, and are supporting it
on Linux and Mac OSX.   They announced that last November and in April of
this year they made the first preview releases for OSX and Linux.   See
  The did the most amazing .NET Core demo "trick" during //BUILD, which was
creating an ASP.NET 5 web app (ASP.NET5 is open-sourced too) in Visual
Studio on a Windows PC, deploying that app into a Linux Docker container
(so .NET Core assemblies on Linux with the ASP.NET5 assemblies on top of
that) and then running that app and hitting a breakpoint and
single-stepping through the app).    So debugging a .NET app running inside
a container, running on a different OS.   Kind of cool.     .NET Core is
going to be an even better base for getting .NET onto mobile Linux than
Mono was, because it has the full weight of Microsoft support behind it.
They want that .NET platform available for Linux to support ASP.NET apps
inside Azure.   Mono on Linux wasn't supporting any business for Xamarin,
so was a little unloved.   Their focus is on Android and iOS.

Aside - Microsoft also released this -

2. QtSharp (, the project on whose
completion Mono for Sailfish was dependent, has got funding as part of the
Google Summer of Code, so will be brought to functional completeness on
Windows, OSX and Linux this year.  That is fantastic, because I was
personally bankrolling that non-Sailfish-specific work as part of Mono for
Sailfish.   It moved along for a couple of months under Mono for Sailfish,
but it was apparent that there was a lot of work more work to be done to
get to that 1.0 version.   But that will now be moving ahead independently
of Mono for Sailfish, which is great to see.   Dimitar Dobrev is the
developer.  Hi, Dimitar, and congratulations on securing funding from GSOC!

Deliverables: Improve the QT bindings generator to the point that they can
be used for a non-trivial QT sample written in idiomatic C#.

When the QtSharp GSOC project is over (when is that, Dimitar?) and we have
a non-trivial Qt sample written in idiomatic C# working on Windows, OSX and
Linux, I think we are in a position to look at rebooting this project,
though it would be .NET Core for Sailfish now, not Mono for Sailfish.

This new project would have much of the same flavor as the last one, but
have a smaller scope of effort required to get to a 1.0 release:

1. Get .NET Core runtime for Linux working on Sailfish (should be similar
scope to the work which Damien Diederen did for MonoTizen).   See

2. Build MonoDevelop plugin for Sailfish (should be similar scope to the
work which Damien Diederen did for MonoTizen).   See

3. Build wrappers for Sailfish-specific Qt/QML components, so that apps of
similar complexity to the deliverable of the GSOC project can be built on

With regard to this third point, is there a Wiki page or other posting
detailing the latest state of licensing for Silica?   Has that moved at all
since last year?   Are more QML components being open-sourced?   And just
to be clear, there is no "source code hiding" going on with Silica, right?
  It is just that certain files are not under an open source license?
Nothing that would hinder this binding work, eh?

Bob Summerwill
Kitsilano Software

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