If you need just some fields from model you can pass them to parameters, instead of whole model. Other way would be parsing model inside onClicked handler. Or use kimmoli suggestion and implement get or getModel method on model class for returning const QVariantMap.

05.06.2015 21:06, Chris Walker пишет:
Perhaps somebody can either help me with this one or point me to some
docs that tell me the correct way to do it.

I want to pass several bits of information to another qml page. I've
looked at the various pages and they only tell me how to pass variables
not how to set them up in the first place which is where I'm struggling.

My qml (at the end of a label) looks like this :-
onClicked: console.log("Clicked " + mark + " " + model + " " + register)
                        // + { passcarDetails(model);

The console shows that the three pieces of information are being
selected and part of my function looks like this :-
     function passcarDetails(carDetails)
         console.log("about to push to CarRecordPage, for car - id: " +
                      carDetails.id + ", register: " +

It's failing at that point as the console says :-
passcarDetails:40 - about to push to CarRecordPage, for car - id:
undefined, register: undefined

So where am I going wrong, and more importantly, what can I do about it?

Any help appreciated.
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