Hello everyone,

I have Installed the binary package from the offical side. (http://releases.sailfishos.org/sdk/installers/1502/SailfishOSSDK-Beta-1502-Qt5-linux-64-offline.run) In addition I have installed virtualbox and loaded the kernel modules via the distribution (Arch Linux) tool chain.

when I start virtualbox I get the message:

     VirtualBox: supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain:
   dlopen("/usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox.so",) failed: libQtCore.so.4:
   cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

If I start the SDK I get error messages that files are missing:

/home/XXX/SailfishOS/lib/qtcreator/plugins/MerProject/libMer.so: by libxslt.so.1


I would expect that those files get delivered by the installer. Any insight what might had happend?
The Installer did say installation was a success ;)

Anyone else having these problems?

my regards
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