This is caused because if predictive text input. Text is not commited to component until word separator entered, word is choosed or focus is lost.

21.01.2015 19:02, Thomas Amler пишет:

I have a problem concerning the RegExpValidator of a TextField. This is the code:

            TextField {
                id: cameraManufacturer
                width: parent.width
                label: qsTr("Manufacturer")
                placeholderText: label
                text: editCameraManufacturer
                validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /^.{3,60}$/ }
                EnterKey.enabled: errorHighlight === false ? true : false
                EnterKey.iconSource: "image://theme/icon-m-enter-next"
                EnterKey.onClicked: cameraModel.focus = true

                onErrorHighlightChanged: checkContent()

onTextChanged: console.log(errorHighlight + "#" + acceptableInput)

The validator works as expected on the Emulator. It reacts on every text change in the field and changes the errorHighlight Status to false if the regExp matches and vice versa. Also the field gets marked red if errorHighlight is true and so on.

But if I'm using the same code on my Jolla the Validator only changes the errorHighlight value if I change the focus to another TextField. If I change back to the first TextField and change some characters, I suddenly get an errorHighlight = true although the RegExp should match the text.

As you can see I also integrated some console debugging. This makes the problem even more strange. On the Emulator everything works fine. errorHighlight is "true" until the third character is entered and is logged as "false" when I enter the fourth character. Corresponding behaviour can be seen with the acceptableInput property. It is false until I enter the third character and with the third logging event it is logged as true. So both are logged as true with log line three, but this might be related to the onTextChanged Event, which should be ok I think.
This is the output on the Emulator:
[D] onTextChanged:122 - true#false
[D] onTextChanged:122 - true#false
[D] onTextChanged:122 - true#true
[D] onTextChanged:122 - false#true

On my Jolla errorHighlight is ALWAYS "true" and accaptableInput is ALWAYS "false". Output (timestamp and other useless garbage has been wiped) for Jolla:
[D] onTextChanged:122 - true#false
[D] onTextChanged:122 - true#false
[D] onTextChanged:122 - true#false
[D] onTextChanged:122 - true#false

Now comes the really weird thing on the Jolla... Directly after switching focus (not pressing any key, only tapping on the next TextField) to another TextField I get this:
[D] onTextChanged:122 - true#true
[D] onTextChanged:122 - false#true
This doesn't happen in the Emulator!!!

WTF is going on?!

I'm really confused about this different behaviour and I couldn't find a way to workaround this. I also have other TextFields using a DoubleValidator which works quite fine.

If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong... Any help is appreciated! :-)
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