On 19.01.2015 17:29, Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:
Also i can't find usage of QCA in your project code. And haveclip-core
submodule is set to some private repository.
yeah that's why I was asking for the resulting RPM :)
19.01.2015 20:20, Jakub Skokan пишет:
has anyone succeeded in publishing an app requiring libssl in Harbour?
Even though the RPM validator tool in Qt Creator says my package is ok,
when I try to upload it to Harbour, it fails:
No OS version and packages satisfy package requirements:
Requirement libcrypto.so.10 not available
Requirement libcrypto.so.10(libcrypto.so.10) not available
Requirement libssl.so.10 not available
Requirement libssl.so.10(libssl.so.10) not available
Those are the exact libraries that are supposed to be whitelisted, so
I'm at a loss... When installed on the phone running latest OS version
using Qt Creator (deploy by RPM), it works as expected.
For reference, the source code of the app and resulting RPM is here:
I'm shipping a private library (QCA), which requires libssl, don't know
if that may be the problem or why.
Thanks for any hints.
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