On 12.01.2014 06:43, Timur Kristóf wrote:
I'd like to ask about status & ETA about the following QML imports, ie.
what's their current status (stability, maturity, etc) and when are we
going to be able to use them in the harbour.
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
anything starting with "Qt.labs" is kinda red flag, no ETA on that yet.
Has overlapping functionality with other org.nemomobile modules.
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
On 07. Jan 2015 Harbour QA started to accept submissions which use
QtGraphicalEffects 1.0.
import QtFeedback 5.0
Is lacking an upstream maintainer and promised API stability. Once in
place we can allow it in Harbour.
import QtDocGallery 5.0
Is under review. No ETA.
import org.nemomobile.ngf 1.0
import org.nemomobile.notifications 1.0
all "org.nemomobile" imports need a maintainer, API stability and
documentation. Once that is in place we will allow them in Harbour.
It seems to me that there's a LOT of functionality which is not available
without these APIs and this is a serious impairment to harbour apps. That's
why I'm interested.
Thanks in advance for your answer!
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