
On 18.12.2013 10:32, dcali...@free.fr wrote:

Selon Iekku Pylkka <iekku.pyl...@jolla.com>:
New APIs are approved as we go along - we'll inform you when you're allowed
to use new APIs in Harbour apps on the mailing list. If you think you need an
API (library or QML import) for your Harbour app that is not yet approved,
let us know on sailfish-devel. The current list of approved APIs can be found
While I'm requesting for low-level libs, may I suggest two others :

- libxml2. As far as I know, their API is quite stable now even if it was not
the case in the past (I remember having some trouble with it in 2003, but it's
history now !).

as mentioned in several places before. Harbour QA started on 07. Jan 2015 to accept submissions which depend on:


- gconf. I allows to access gconf keys. It was the prefered way to store
application preferences in the Maemo days, so many codes are using it. As for
the Glib stuff, it has a stable API and is available already in Mer.

GConf is deprecated upstream and got replaced with DConf in Update 7. See Saapunki release notes[0]. Note: The GConf functions in mlite5 still work, and they transparently use DConf as backend now.



What's your point of view on these two ?

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