I'm using this workaround:

Component.onCompleted: {
        listid = parseInt(DB.getTaskProperty(taskid, "ListID"))
        listLocatedIn.currentIndex = listindex
        listLocatedIn.currentItem = listLocatedIn.menu.children[listindex]

Am 05.01.2015 um 11:40 schrieb Andrey Kozhevnikov:
yeah, i'm using _updating = false in my application also. This is the best workaround i found.

29.12.2014 19:45, ok1...@centrum.cz пишет:

I've found a bug in ComboBox.qml used in Jolla phone. I wrote an application using pyotherside. During initialization, it populates combobox and sets the currentIndex to saved value. The problem is, that setting the currentIndex does nothing.

ComboBox.qml uses weird timer to delay some tasks. When you change currentIndex before that timer is triggered, it ignores the change.

Connections {
     target: comboBox.menu ? comboBox.menu._contentColumn : null
     onChildrenChanged: {
// delay the reload in case there are more children changes to come
         if (!updateCurrentTimer.running) {
             _updating = true


onCurrentIndexChanged: {
     _currentIndexSet = true
     if (_completed && !_updating) {
         _updating = true
         _updateCurrent(currentIndex, null)
         _updating = false

My application does something like:

function foo(result) {
   for(var i=0; i<result.length; ++i)
     combolistmodel.append({index:i, text:result[i]});
// comboid._updating = 0; // REQUIRED WORKAROUND

Whey I force the _updating to 'false', it works. Also if I set the correntIndex in a timer some time later, it works.

I've tested following workaround:

onCurrentIndexChanged: {
     _currentIndexSet = true
     if (_completed) {
       if (updateCurrentTimer.running) {
         var save_currentIndex = currentIndex;
         currentIndex = save_currentIndex;
       if (!_updating) {
         _updating = true
         _updateCurrent(currentIndex, null)
         _updating = false

But it still seems odd to me to use a timer in in a combobox.

Whole reproducer: http://fpaste.org/164044/59940141/
Code causing this problem: http://fpaste.org/163881/97171141/
Tested workaround: http://fpaste.org/164045/85997614/

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