Hi, the backport is not completely up-to-date with QtBluetooth 5.4, I have
to update it. Nevertheless It should work with standard bluetooth, I
haven't tried with BLE though.
Other part of QtConnectivity that are not QtBluetooth haven't been tried
either (NFC and so on). I even think I have even disabled the build.

Nevertheless, here are the relevant part of the .yaml file and the .pro
file I use for "Parrot ZIK 2.0 Manager" in  harbour that ship with this

You have to build QtBluetooth backport separately with the sailfish sdk,
then put the .so file(s) in a "lib" subdirectory inside your project.

Richard (lainwir3d)

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Harald Schmitt <li...@hschmitt.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to develop an harbour app that uses a backported version of
> QtConnectivity 5.4 in my app and ship it with my app.
> It is available from here:
> https://github.com/lainwir3d/qtconnectivity/tree/5.4_sailfish_backport
> Can you help me with the .pro and .yaml file?
> Do I have to setup something in the emulators?
> Best regards,
> Harald
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Attachment: harbour-zik2-manager.yaml
Description: application/yaml

Attachment: harbour-zik2-manager.pro
Description: Binary data

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