
Thanks to everyone who attended Tuesday's meeting. Minutes/logs:

Minutes (text):

Next meeting will be on 2014-08-26 @ 10:00 UTC. Meeting Chair will be Carol Chen (cybette), but feel free to take this position if you like. From now on please propose discussion topics, with some content/details at: https://together.jolla.com/question/54157/sailfishos-open-source-collaboration-meeting-planning/ (do not use the PiratePad anymore)

Add your name/nick if you suggest a topic and will present the topic at the meeting, or name someone who should present. *Inform the persons who are directly involved in the topic beforehand so they can prepare and attend the meeting.* Indicate how much time approximately you will need for the topic so we can timebox the meeting accordingly.

NOTE: Propose your topic by Sunday 24.8. Any topics added after that will be considered for the following meeting. I will send out meeting invite with confirmed agenda before the meeting.


Carol "cybette" Chen
Community Chief @ Jolla http://jolla.com
 +358403502527  @ SMS,PSTN,WeChat
    cybette     @ FreenodeIRC,Twitter,Weibo,LinkedIn,Skype
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