On 06/16/2014 11:34 AM, David Greaves wrote:
Also were there any action points that needed reporting/following up?
I think it's always good to check past meeting minutes to see what's
been discussed, there are lots of topics that we can report progress on
when they are available: Autodoc, Harbour, Chum, community moderators,
Ambiences/icons, Nemo/mer merge & bugzilla, Jolla communications, etc.
On 16/06/14 09:32, Andrea Bernabei wrote:
I just added two topics...is there still a chance of having the meeting by
tomorrow? :)
Thanks for the additions and I just realized you also covered several of
the follow-up topics that I've mentioned above :) Let's then give
everyone a chance to prepare for these topics during the week (and
please indicate on the piratepad how much time you need to share your
updates) and we can have a productive meeting next Tuesday 24.6
Btw, would be nice to have some volunteers for meeting chair as well!
2014-06-16 10:21 GMT+02:00 Carol Chen <carol.c...@jolla.com
Since we have not received any proposal for topics for the meeting that's
supposed to happen tomorrow, I suggest we postpone it a week until 24.6.
Please add topics you want discussed by Sunday 22.6.
I also propose that we reduce the meeting frequency in July/August since
many sailors will be having their summer vacations during this period.
Perhaps fortnightly or even monthly. Indicate your preference in the same
piratepad: http://piratepad.net/__SailfishOSSMeetings
On 06/11/2014 03:29 PM, Carol Chen wrote:
Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday's meeting. Minutes/logs:
Minutes (text):
Next meeting will be on 2014-06-17 @ 10:00 UTC. Meeting Chair has not
been confirmed yet, please volunteer + propose discussion topics with
some content/details at: http://piratepad.net/__SailfishOSSMeetings
Add your name/nick if you suggest a topic and will present the topic at
the meeting, or name someone who should present. *Inform the persons
are directly involved in the topic beforehand so they can prepare and
attend the meeting.* Indicate how much time approximately you will need
for the topic so we can timebox the meeting accordingly.
NOTE: Propose your topic by Sunday 15.6. Any topics added after that
will be considered for the following meeting. Carol or the appointed
meeting chair will send out meeting invite on Monday 16.6.
Carol "cybette" Chen
Community Chief @ Jolla http://jolla.com
+358403502527 @ SMS,PSTN,WeChat
cybette @ FreenodeIRC,Twitter,Weibo,LinkedIn,Skype
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