We seem to be experiencing some edit wars with problematic content on
the sailfish community guidelines etherpad.
I've volunteered to be posting the below version to merproject.org wiki:
Use login from bugs.merproject.org one and the guidelines in place there
are comparable to https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/IRC_guidelines and
standard wiki sane behaviour. Please adhere to those.
In that regard, the below is the last version before edit wars started,
authors (Sorry for loosing formatting):
...and 1 unnamed author
Revision 897:
Basic community guidelines has taken from:
Common Community guidelines:
Be considerate
Be respectful
Be collaborative
Be pragmatic
Support others in the community
Get support from others in the community
Sailfish Developer Mailinglist:
Sailfish Developer Mailinglist is only for technical conversation.
There's moderators from community and Jolla side.
Mostly tech questions, please, not only-tech-questions. People should be
able to express frustration about the forum itself too. We just
shouldn't allow it to happen in 20 emails and 10 topics over a coupe of days
* 3 warning systems, 3rd is banning from mailing list [the warnings
should expire after "a while" of good behaviour +1]. Jolla provides
conversation channel for moderators, so private issues can be handled
there (if there's a need).
* plaintext only+1
* inline quoting please
* no simple +1 (etc) mails, ML shouldn't be a voting tool
* Add warnings for being abusive and being a jerk only. Do not warn a
newbie pasting a lot of text. Warnings shall be reserved for something
real bad. probably differentiate between "warnings" and "strikes",
continued disregarding the rules should lead to strikes (though thats
"real bad" in my eyes)
* Language: English
IRC guidelines:
#sailfishos and #jollamobile will follow #mer irc rules:
* Ask smart questions: Eric Raymond wrote a good text on how best to
ask questions - http://catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html -
reading this text and understanding it will help you to get the
optimal experience out of the communication within the Sailfish OS
project and the best answers to help your work
* Keep it clean: many of us participate from work, so keep the
language clean.
* Don't be a jerk: treat people with respect and consideration - no
regional, racial, gender or other abuse will be tolerated. We are
people from all over the world and we come from many different
projects and we all have to work together on the Sailfish OS.
* Be helpful: be patient with new people and be willing to jump in to
answer questions.
* Stay calm: the written word is always subject to interpretation,
so give people the benefit of the doubt and try not to let emotions
get out of control.
* Don't post chunks: avoid posting big chunks of text - use a
pastebin or a similar service to shorten it to a link.
* Be Patient: Folks might not be around when you ask a question so
wait a while for someone to speak before leaving.
* Don't Private Message: Ask permission before you send someone a
private message (PM) as not everyone likes them. Also by keeping it in
public others with similar issues can see the solution you were given.
Ban system for IRC:
* Warnings should expire after a while of good behavior.
* Ban times should expand for repeated warnings.
* Example:
* 1st warning - no ban
* 2nd warning - no ban
* 3rd warning - 1 day ban (one day ban on a ML?)(Better 1 week?)(maybe
something in between)(3 days?)
* If after a while all warnings are deleted. And the user gets another
* 1st warning - 1 day ban
* 2nd warning - 1 week ban
* 3rd warning - 1 month ban
* You could expand this to lifetime bans or not.
* - Lifetime bans for spam accounts etc.
* - If there is a very problematic user that does not have much
warnings, but very abusive behavior, then a lifetime ban discussion for
that user could be proposed for next community meeting. If most of
people suggest a lifetime ban, then it could ignore the warning rules.
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