Seems it was a thread issue. my RpmInstall class was constructed in a different 
thread(SailClient) from "mainthread" below lines (parent is main class) fixed 
(Actually I need to read more about how threads works in Qt kinda confusing...)


But now I got a bit confused again because I noticed that my phone emited alot 
"status 1" for other packages already installed :S is this correct?

just a short dump(the full log is alot bigger):

[D] RpmInstall::onPackageStatusChanged:37 - install (not mine ignored)  
all-translations-pack"  status  1 
[D] RpmInstall::onPackageStatusChanged:37 - install (not mine ignored)  
settings"  status  1 
[D] RpmInstall::onPackageStatusChanged:37 - install (not mine ignored)  "jolla-
firstsession"  status  1 


void RpmInstall::onPackageStatusChanged(const QString &filename, int status)
    SailHttpServer *server = dynamic_cast <SailHttpServer *>(parent());
    if (installFilename != filename)
        qDebug() << "install (not mine ignored) " << filename << " status " << 
        return ;

    qDebug() << "install " << filename << " status " << status;
    if (status == 1) // installed
        if (server && server->property("removeRpmAfterInstall").toBool())
            QFile file(filename);

On Thursday, June 12, 2014 16:34:44 Kimmo Lindholm wrote:
> does QDBusConnection::sessionBus().lastError().message() give any details on
> error?
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Mikael Hermansson
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2014 10:25 AM
> To: sailfish-devel
> Subject: [SailfishDevel] rpminstall signal packageStatusChanged
> I want to connect to the signal packageStatusChanged from the harbour FAQ I
> read this:
> signal path=/StoreClient; interface=com.jolla.jollastore;
> member=packageStatusChanged
> string "filename.rpm"
> int32 0 (not installed?), 1 (installed?) and 2 (progressing?)
> But I have problem getting the receive the signal from jollastore in my app
> I connect to the store using QDBus API :
> result = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("com.jolla.jollastore",
> "/StoreClient", "com.jolla.jollastore" ,"packageStatusChanged", this,
> SLOT(onPackageStatusChanged(QString,int)));
> qDebug() << "DBUSconnect== " << result;
> However the signal seems not connect since it returns:
> [D] RpmInstall::RpmInstall:19 - DBUSconnect== false
> the signal is not emited... Any idea what I do wrong?
> Regards
> Mikael
> --
> "Put mankind back on earth"

"Put mankind back on earth"

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