wrong way. use Repeater instead of ListVIew
10.05.2014 19:11, Krisztian Olah ?????:
Hi everyone, I found this snippet in the Qt Devdays Beiing
document(p16), I want to do something similar; Having a SilicaListView
in a Column which in return is in a SilicaFlickable.
SilicaFlickable {
PullDownMenu { ... }
Column {
SlideshowView {
model: monthModel
delegate: DateGrid { ... }
SilicaListView {
model: agendaModel
delegate: EventItem { ... }
The problem is, that in Column top and bottom anchor doesn't work, my
list items show up on the top of the page stacked on top of each
other (pesumably, because just one item is visible). If I move my
SilicaListView outside Column then it kind of works, provided I anchor
top to column.bottom and bottom to parent.bottom(though I get a
binding loop with flick.contentHeight). The thing is I don't want
SilicaListView to be interactive I want only SilicaFlickable to be
scrollable and I want it to scroll to the bottom of listview.
If I needed to know listview's contentHeight, provided top and
bottom aren't anchored then listview.height or listview.contentHeight
won't give the right answer, am I correct? Is the correct way to get
cHeight = children.height + spacing*count
SilicaFlickable {
id: flick
Column {
id: column
SilicaListView {
id: listview
spacing: 10
interactive: false
Any help would be much appreciated,
Thanks in advance
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