what are you talking about? payment support will be added to harbour
when ready. there are no "avoid plans"
24.04.2014 17:05, Mikael Hermansson пишет:
I think it would be very wrong strategy to "avoid" payment apps. But there
probadly is more important stuff in the pipe from Jolla side to fix before
implement payment.
For example more libs should be allowed.
But about payment how to avoid pirate copying? Would Jolla be responsible if
your work is pirated since SailfishOS has no copy protection because of its
nature of "open platform". Would endusers stop use Jolla if they start
implement copyprotection or similar silly solutions?
I personally dislike install any app that is not open sourced or "copy
protected" or even SPAM applications... It is just plain wrong. But I still
willing pay for good open apps. But there must be simple way for payment.
But it's probadly very hard setup generic payment solution since so many
different options how to pay. I personally dislike paypal but some may prefer
that. Most of us dislike pay with Cards. And some wants bitcoins and so on.
Not a simple task. A better solution would be to just add some way to pay the
direcly to develop and then the developer decide what he prefer for payment
On Thursday, April 24, 2014 09:33:22 tw_bolek wrote:
On April 4 Duncan Waugh wrote:
" [...] support commercial applications. Is there any news on when this is
planned for integration?"
No answer.
On April 17 Marcin M. wrote:
"Is there any estimated time when paid apps will be allowed to Harbour?"
No answer.
There are also a number of such topics on together.jolla com (and some of
them very popular, within the top 30-40 most voted for topics) requesting
any information about plans to introduce support for paid applications in
the Jolla store.
None of them ever replied or commented on by anyone from Jolla.
So my question is: is this some kind of taboo subject, or something of as
little importance that for over 4 months now no Jollan has said A WORD
about it despite numerous requests?
A couple of my friends already gave up after waiting so long for even just
any information, and I must say that I'm slowly losing hope, too. We all
understand and are aware of the enormous job Jolla has been doing, so we're
asking for just INFORMATION about the progress, even just if AT ALL there
are any plans to do it in a foreseeable future, and if so then knowing even
just as little as if it will take a month or half a year would be all we
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