okay, then try this:
desktop.files = $${TARGET}.desktop
desktop.path = /usr/share/applications
icon.files = $${TARGET}.png
icon.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/86x86/apps
INSTALLS = desktop icon
24.04.2014 00:56, tw_bolek пишет:
show your full pro file
Hey Andrey, here you are. Nothing special in there.....
# The name of your app.
# NOTICE: name defined in TARGET has a corresponding QML filename.
# If name defined in TARGET is changed, following needs to be
# done to match new name:
# - corresponding QML filename must be changed
# - desktop icon filename must be changed
# - desktop filename must be changed
# - icon definition filename in desktop file must be changed
TARGET = myapp
CONFIG += sailfishapp
SOURCES += src/myapp.cpp
OTHER_FILES += rpm/myapp.yaml \
Doesn't work :(
INSTALLS -= qml doesn't seem to do anything, and renaming the qml folder
results in an RPM build error - files not found
Anything else, please?
Gosh, it was so easy and obvious in Qt4.8....
Thank you,
you can try to add INSTALLS -= qml somewhere after
sailfishapp config line, or just rename folder name
Now, *PLEASE*, one more help request:
what is the best way to EXCLUDE the qml folder from
being added to the rpm file?
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