Did I hit a bug with the newly added translations support? This two lines in .pro (I just changed the lang code in standard .pro file created by sialfishapp/qtquick app wizard) file:
CONFIG += sailfishapp_i18n TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-yourproject-it.ts produce the following error at buld time: lrelease error: Cannot open /home/mersdk/share/Projects/SailfishOS/harbour-yourproject/translations/harbour-yourproject-it.ts: No such file or directory Looking at sailfishapp_i18n.prf it seems it generates harbour-yourproject.ts file only, not all the *.ts files specified in your .pro file. lupdate command is invoked as per directive: update_translations.commands += mkdir -p translations && lupdate $${TRANSLATION_SOURCES} -ts $${TS_FILE} where $${TS_FILE} is defined beforehand as follows: TS_FILE = $${_PRO_FILE_PWD_}/translations/$${TARGET}.ts Shouldn't it cycle through every file in $${TRANSLATIONS} instead and run lupdate accordingly? Something like this (beware: I'm in no way a cmake expert!!!): for(ts_file, TRANSLATIONS) { update_translations.commands += lupdate $${TRANSLATION_SOURCES} -ts $$ts_file } Did I get something wrong or is it really a bug? -- Luca Donaggio
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