Zitat von "Juha Kallioinen" <juha.kallioi...@jolla.com>:

Hi Juha

On my host the access permissions were

apple-pip:javascript christopherlamb$ cd /Users/christopherlamb/QTProjects/landed/landed26_QT5/landed26_QT5/qml/javascript
apple-pip:javascript christopherlamb$ ls -ahl
total 72
drwxr-xr-x  7 christopherlamb  staff   238B 22 Feb 22:01 .
drwxr-xr-x  9 christopherlamb  staff   306B  8 Feb 19:57 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 christopherlamb  staff   4,1K 22 Feb 22:01 jsonpath.js
-rw-------  1 christopherlamb  staff   349B  8 Nov 15:56 landed.js
-rw-------  1 christopherlamb  staff   1,1K 11 Feb 19:33 message.js
-rwxrwxrwx  1 christopherlamb  staff   9,4K 22 Feb 19:47 readDataModel.js
-rw-r--r--  1 christopherlamb  staff   5,2K  8 Feb 17:29 writeDataModel.js

I am not sure why the files on my host have such wildly different permissions. This probably reflects the different ages / sources of the files. Until now the permissions set on the host was not an issue I had to think about.

I have now done a chmod 777 *.js

That got me a little further, it next complained about missing qml files, so we have a similar issue with the permissions of .qml files.

Having gone through all my qml file in the project on my host with chmod 755 *.qml the project now deploys successfully to the device.

So it looks like, that (at least on OSX) the permissions of files on the host are important and need to be set correctly as expected on the end device. Something for the known issues page?



Hi Chris,

I've changed the way the shared directories are mounted to the virtual machine. This might be caused by that. Previously the shared folders were mounted with 777 rights and all files were shown as read/write/exec for all inside the virtual machine. I've changed it so that the rights are as they are on your host filesystem.

But there's really no reason for those two files to have only root access and the others have more access unless there's some root cause with your source files.

There's no code anywhere in the SDK that checks if a file is named 'landed.js' and modifies its access rights :-)

What are the source files' permissions in your Mac's filesystem when you list them?

Best regards,

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