On 04/05/2014 07:41 AM, Carsten Munk wrote:
> On 05/04/14 09:27, "Thomas B. Rücker" wrote:
>> On 04/04/2014 04:00 PM, Carsten Munk wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> There has been a lot of discussion surrounding SailfishOS, the open
>>> source parts of it (incl. middleware within Mer and Nemo Mobile
>>> project) and collaboration methods/practices -- and that we can do
>>> better than how things are today.
>>> [...]
>>> The focus point is about the SailfishOS stack's current open source
>>> components and how we can improve the experience of contributing,
>>> communicating regarding and participating in them as well as
>>> encouraging this.
>> Just to clarify that I understood the above statement correctly, this
>> meeting will be only about SailfishOS as a platform?
> Yes, just to make sure we limit scope a bit of that particular
> session- it's very easy to diverge into discussions of SailfishOS UI
> and open source status of that and a lot of other potential topics
> within one meeting; so this is one way to make sure we stay within
> scope to solve one problem at a time and do it in a concentrated manner.
>> In the space of applications and not platform, there is the lingering
>> and continuously unaddressed point of "something like maemo-extras",
>> which still has seen ZERO public reaction from Jolla (the company, not
>> personal statements from people who happen to be sailors). The community
>> is here to help, but by now I have the feeling that this particular ship
>> has sailed, forever. Acknowledging that Jolla has accepted the status
>> quo would be OK too.
> >
> > Still frustrated and waiting for clarity in Jolla's intentions - It
> > takes two to Tango.
> I think we should probably have a separate meeting for this as it's
> also a very valid topic to be discussed.

That is why I posed the question, it felt to likely be out of scope.

> When would it fit you and others and what agenda items / participants
> would be useful? Initial thoughts include people from
> Harbour/Developer relations/Store/Release management and somebody from
> the SailfishOS 'Helm' (direction makers) to represent ability to take
> actions.

Someone able to commit Jolla to certain things is vital for this to be

I personally don't have preferences about the date. The time slot within
the day of the other meeting fits me and would probably be good to reuse
with different date, I can't speak for others though.

> I'd advise post the 15th April personally.

I think that's a natural choice, as platform decisions may affect this.


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