On 04/05/2014 08:12 AM, Carsten Munk wrote:
> On 04/04/14 19:39, Filip Kłębczyk wrote:
>> W dniu 04.04.2014 18:00, Carsten Munk pisze:
>>> Hi,
>>> There has been a lot of discussion surrounding SailfishOS, the open
>>> source parts of it (incl. middleware within Mer and Nemo Mobile
>>> project)
>>> and collaboration methods/practices -- and that we can do better than
>>> how things are today.
>> Hi,
>> Your mail is direct reaction to this widely retweeted tweet today:
>> https://twitter.com/fk_lx/status/452037379038408704
>> and previous discussion that was conducted on Twitter. It's worth to
>> notice problem was published long time ago at Together, before it became
>> hot:
>> https://together.jolla.com/question/680/co-creation-leading-to-co-development/#post-id-1214
>> https://together.jolla.com/question/680/co-creation-leading-to-co-development/#post-id-6833
>> Since that time, no significant actions have been taken to fix that, but
>> that can be understood and justified considering other important things
>> for Jolla like preparing to MWC and Sailfish going out of beta.
> It's safe to say that we've been in a crazy race to conditionally
> deliver features, fixes and ensuring our existence.
> We would probably have had more time if we didn't switch SoC and do a
> Qt4->Qt5 + X11/Wayland transition; it's been too busy and we've lagged
> behind in doing proper open development with roadmapping ('Do
> everything needed to deliver a working product' isn't a good roadmap
> item), explaining our actions, transparency around our open source
> components. It's a good time to something about it now.
> The discussions you link to have been a big source of inspiration to
> do something about this topic, as there has been many valid points in
> them.
>> We would really like to have constructive talk with the decisive people
>> around Sailfish, that have real influence and can change how open source
>> collaboration looks in practice (whoever those people are).
> > We also want
>> for Jolla engineers who work on open source parts take part in that
>> discussion, as it's a topic that is directly connected with their work.
> I will do my best to make sure that the right people will be there - a
> meeting where nobody can take actions or act on the meeting results
> isn't a good one.
>> I only have doubts that if it will be normal, uncontrolled IRC
>> discussion, that it might result in chaos (like many of those that were
>> made on this topic on IRC before).
>> I wanted to give my own proposal how
>> such discussion should look like from organizational point of view, so
>> there would be a chance for it's results to be satisfying for both sides
>> (Jolla & OSS community).
> >
> I agree, we still have time to set up an agenda - first thing you need
> to do is set a date in advance to make sure people will show up, then
> a proper agenda.
> I've opened an etherpad at http://piratepad.net/SailfishOSSMeeting -
> please add topics for discussion.
> Agenda is intentionally left blank as to make sure proper agenda items
> are brought up.   
> A background thing for this meeting is that (this is with my Mer and
> Nemo middleware hat on), there is an idea and/or intention is to merge
> the Mer and Nemo middleware repositories and infrastructure
> (bugtracker, git repositories, OBS repositories) together under the
> Mer project.
> There has been a long unnatural split between Mer and Nemo middleware
> and a bit unclear one sometimes; causing also a semi-fork of Mer
> packages (Qt5) as Mer couldn't move fast enough. In the end, what most
> want from Mer is a solid mobile core and hence ended up using a
> combination of Mer and Nemo middleware anyway.
> In that regard, there is a good opportunity to establish new practices
> and patterns of collaboration, hence why this meeting is a good thing
> to start with.
> In the ideal future world from my point of view, if you'd like to
> contribute to SailfishOS open source middleware; you'd be contributing
> to Mer. Currently it is too confusing to contribute to - too much
> split information, different practices, different bugtrackers, even
> differing packaging practices, etc.

Reading this I can't help but wonder if Jolla now claims ownership of
Mer/Nemo then. Even with fancy hat changing. Bringing this discussion up
in a strictly Sailfish context implies this.
There are other downstream projects relying on Mer and I'd expect this
to be discussed with them, in a completely "vendor neutral" setting. Mer
used to be big about this, before it got dragged into a "ship a product"
race of one of the involved parties.

>> I haven't had time to made it yet, because I
>> had quite busy day, but I hope the fact that Carsten already took first
>> step and proposed a meeting does still give me a chance for doing that.
>> I think it's really important for the discussion to have proper and calm
>> form and I think it's possible considering goodwill on both sides.
> Yes, I think we can do this.
>> Regards,
>> Filip
>> PS. Personally I really count that Marc Dillon (Head of Software
>> Development in Jolla) will take part in it.
> BR
> Carsten Munk

Just my 0,02€

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