4. why? mlite5 is there and seems to be allowed.

2014-03-04 17:18 GMT+06:00 Thomas Amler <armadi...@penguinfriends.org>:

>  Hi,
> I can't answer all of your questions, so directly to the last one:
> 4. Currently there is no notification API which can be used directly.
> nemomobile notifications is not allowed in harbour, altough all system apps
> use it to deal with notifications. There is a way to load it via QT
> resource files, which some apps use to workaround the harbour test
> mechanisms.
> Am 03.03.2014 15:51, schrieb Oleg Linkin:
>   Hi!
> 1. It there any way to send USSD request from app and read it response?
>  2. Is it any API for adding Share menu to application as in gallery, for
> example. Or I should use nemo imports for this?
>  3. Is it any exmaples/documentation about adding service which can be
> used for sharing?
>  4. Is is any API for notification system or I should create it myself /
> use nemo notifications system?
>  Thx.
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