Hi All
I have come across some strangeness using QtContacts 5.0 on Sailfish.
For various reasons partially lost in the mists of time, I copy
contacts (or rather a subset of contract roles) from the ContactModel
to a a normal ListModel.
One of the roles copied is "phoneNumbers". This has a child property
"length" indicating the number of phoneNumbers available for the
phoneNumbers.length is available (defined) direct from the
ContactModel, but is undefined when I try to use it from the
ListModel. So the console.log in the function appendContact() gives a
valid result, but the console.log in populate() gives undefined.
Other properties, including the phone numbers in phoneNumbers are
defined when accessed from the ListModel.
Equivalent code works in Haramtatan / Qt 4.7.4 Mobility 1.2
import QtContacts 5.0
ContactModel {
id: phoneContactsModelInternal
ListModel {
id: localContactModelInternal
function populate() {
for (var i = 0; i <
phoneContactsModelInternal.contacts.length; i ++) {
console.log("checking number of phoneNumbers: " +
function appendContact(contact) {
localContactModel.append({"contactId": contact.contactId,
"displayLabel": contact.displayLabel.label,
"phoneNumbers": contact.phoneNumbers,
console.log("appending: " + contact.displayLabel.label +
", numbers: " + contact.phoneNumbers.length)
Any ideas?
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