Thank you for your answer.

Well, as for haptics on buttons, at least on symbian, most controls
have a subtle click... that I think really helps to know a touch has
been registered. As long as it is only a click, and not a buzz, It
should be ok. But opt-in is fine with me. Better yet, if feedback can
be user customized, with a mix of sounds and haptics. I suppose not
all devices will have the same capabilities.

I think I will make the keypad more similar to the virtual keyboard;
that will avoid the "haptics" overlapping problem.
Too bad the QtFeedack is not cleared for the store anyway...

Best regards,

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Pekka Vuorela <> wrote:
> On Sat, 2014-02-08 at 19:31 +0100, Luciano Montanaro wrote:
>> Hello, everybody,
>> I have spent the afternoon playing with my calculator application.
>> Using it, I realised it needs some feedback to the user, since
>> pressing the keys obscure them, and the highlighting is mostly lost.
>> So I checked what is available, and found that QtFeedback is what I needed.
>> Now the calculator has its feedback, which is ok.
>> I am using ThemeEffect.PressWeak, which feels right.
>> However...
>> I am not sure using a Button together with the effect is right:
>> it is possible that in the future Buttons will ue haptics feedback on
>> their own, so my usage would interfere. So I fear this change will not
>> be acceptable in the Harbour.
>> Since haptic feedback is already used in the pulley menu, I expect
>> more silica components will get it in the future, can someone confirm
>> this?
>> Should I spin my own custom buttons?
> Haptic support for some more components may come, but if such happens to
> Button, we should at minimum give some warning beforehand, or then make
> it opt-in with a property.
> Then again for calculator kind of key pad, I'd myself prefer something
> else than a Button. E.g. phone number inputs, Jolla calculator, device
> lock, etc, have a button area with press highlight rectangle.
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Luciano Montanaro

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