Hi Aaron

Adding that information proved easier than I had expected: it just took a few minutes during breakfast!

void SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated(const QList<QGeoSatelliteInfo> &list) {
    int newInView = list.count();
    if (newInView != _satsInView) {
qDebug() << "satInfoSource.cpp: onSatsinViewUpdated: " << QString::number(newInView, 'g', 2);
        for (int i = 0; i < newInView; i++ ) {
qDebug() << "satsInView: id: " << list[i].satelliteIdentifier() << ", system: " << list[i].satelliteSystem() << ", strength: " + list[i].signalStrength();
        _satsInView = newInView;
        emit satellitesInViewChanged(newInView);

The for loop is new, and gives the following output.

[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:59 - satInfoSource.cpp: onSatsinViewUpdated: "23" [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 1 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 3 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 6 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 11 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 14 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 17 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 19 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 20 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 22 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 27 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 28 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 32 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 74 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 66 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 82 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 73 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 80 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 65 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 88 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 87 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 81 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 67 , system: 0 , strength: [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 72 , system: 0 , strength:

Interestingly neither system nor strength give expected output.

Sometimes I get garbled output like:

[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:59 - satInfoSource.cpp: onSatsinViewUpdated: "21"
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  1 , system:  0
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 3 , system: 0 Updates requested, but no satellite info source available [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 6 , system: 0 ates requested, but no satellite info source available [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 11 , system: 0 Stop Updates requested, but no satellite info source available [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 14 , system: 0 Updates requested, but no satellite info source available
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  19 , system:  0
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 22 , system: 0 requested, but no satellite info source available [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 27 , system: 0 ates requested, but no satellite info source available [D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id: 28 , system: 0 Stop Updates requested, but no satellite info source available



Zitat von christopher.l...@thurweb.ch:


I will have to write some more code to spit out the sat ids to the debug console. At the moment my SatInfoSource declarative plugin is ultra-simple, it just exposes the numbers of Sats InView and InUse, nothing more.

At the moment my hypothesis is based on the circumstantial evidence that new newer devices (Jolla and Galaxy) show roughly double the number of older GPS only devices (N9, Garmin).



Zitat von "Aaron McCarthy" <aaron.mccar...@jolla.com>:


On Sat, 1 Feb 2014 10:37:59 christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
A slight correction to my previous post

I think that the high number of Sats in View shown on the Jolla means
that it is showing both GPS and Glonass Satellites, and thus gives a
figure almost double of that I was used to from the Nokia N9 and
classic GPS devices.

Comparing various devices I get the following readings:

Sats in use / Sats in View / Device / Technology

6 / 9 / Nokia N9 / GPS only

5 / 20 / Jolla / GPS and Glonass

15 / 21 / Samusung Galaxy Note 3 / GPS and Glonass

9 / Garmin GPSmap 60CSx / GPS only

So the Sats in View figure of the Jolla is plausible.

Interestingly the Jolla's Sats In Use figure - at least in the tests
on my terrace this morning - is consistently lower than that displayed
by the other devices. I show 15 for the Galaxy above, but have seen
readings of 18 and 19.

What are the satellite identification numbers for these satellites. Satellites
65 to 88 are GLONASS. Others are GPS. Does this match your hypothesis?


Aaron McCarthy
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